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تعبير عن الطقس في السعودية بالانجليزي

  1. Introduction
    Saudi Arabia’s diverse landscape and geographical location affect the country’s climate throughout the year. This listicle will explore the different weather conditions in Saudi Arabia and how they affect the country’s inhabitants.
  2. Summer Weather
    The summer months in Saudi Arabia are known for their scorching heat. Temperatures often exceed 40°C (104°F) during the day and can remain above 30°C (86°F) at night. The extreme heat can pose health risks, particularly for those who work outdoors or have health issues. To stay cool, locals and tourists often seek refuge in air-conditioned buildings or engage in water activities.
  3. Winter Weather
    During the winter months, temperatures in Saudi Arabia can drop significantly, especially in the northern regions. As a result, locals and tourists can experience freezing temperatures, strong winds, and even snowfall. This condition is particularly appealing to visitors who are not accustomed to such climates. However, the cold weather can present risks such as frostbite and hypothermia.
  4. Sandstorms
    Saudi Arabia is also known for its sandstorms or “haboob”. These storms occur when strong winds carry sand and dust particles across the country. The sands often make it difficult to breathe, see or drive thus making it unsafe for drivers. The storms can last for hours or even days depending on the intensity of the wind. Many locals wear masks and cover their faces and eyes to avoid inhaling the sand.
  5. Rainy Seasons
    Although Saudi Arabia is a desert country, it receives low to moderate rainfall each year. The rainy season in the country varies from region to region, but it mainly falls during the winter months. Locals often welcome the coolness and rare greenery that comes with the rain. However, heavy rainfall can cause floods, especially in areas with poor drainage systems.

In conclusion, the weather in Saudi Arabia is a mix of extremes, from scorching heat to freezing temperatures, sandstorms to heavy rainfall. Regardless of the weather condition, the locals and tourists have adapted to these conditions and use various ways to cope. Understanding the weather in Saudi Arabia is essential for any visitor to ensure they stay safe and enjoy their stay.

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